Thursday, January 6, 2011

another new year !

I started this happy little bluebirds blog last year about this time.

Since then I've lost 30 pounds :) 
and regained 15 :(.

Well, today is a new day and this is a new year,
and I am pleased to say that I am trying to look at my life
renewed optimism

My daughter  posted a quote on her blog that said

simply...become who you are.

I like that.

All I really want is to be the best me I can be...

Well, I'm   a little   closer than I was last year...

Care to join me in the pursuit?

You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
-Margaret Thatcher


  1. Oh, sweet lady. I know well the slide forward and backward in weight loss. Please don't be too hard on yourself, and rejoice in the changes you have made. You're 15 pounds healthier! That's so commendable!

    And in the process, you've probably changed so many little things that are making you a healthier woman. Perhaps those other 15 pounds will drop, perhaps not. But your worth is not in is in the beauty of your soul. Which clearly, from what I know, is incredibly beautiful.

    Your spirit is so right now. All you can do is be the best version of yourself. And yes, I would loooove to join you in the pursuit of being our very best selves. :)

    Happy New Year, lovely lady!

  2. I love this post, Mom. And I believe in the power of prayer and the power of positive thinking!! I will pray for you and I believe this will be YOUR *results not typical YEAR!!!

  3. Hello Susan,

    I am a bit late on this one :) I just wanted to encourage you to keep on :) You have lost 15 pounds!!!! That is awesome! It is hard over the holidays and cold weather, I haven't gained back but I haven't lost either. I am back on track now too. You can do it and I am praying for you :)

  4. Susan,
    Your banner/header is just beautiful. Good job!

    Do celebrate the -15 and be proud of yourself.
